
Kings Park West Community Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2023

Board Members in Attendance:  Larry Velte, Carolyn LaRosa, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Sharon Decker, and Diane Jeffers.

Burke Community Management Group (BCMG) representative:  Barbara Keith

Meeting called to order:  7:30 pm

Establish that quorum is present:  Ninety-six members were present (10 in person and 86 by proxy).  A quorum is 58 members.

Report on the State of the Community Association:

Treasurer’s Report/Proposed Budget for 2023-2024:  Treasurer provided an overview for the membership and explained the annual assessment will likely remain at $40/property for fiscal year 2024. 

Election of Board Members:  Sharon Decker, Mark Heppner, and Larry Velte were re-elected to the Board to serve another 3-year term. 

Board Meeting Schedule:  Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at Laurel Ridge Elementary School.

Open Discussion:

Answer:  KPWCA does not have any property at that location.  It might belong to the Virginia Department of Transportation or the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Answer:  KPWCA may need to raise assessments due to declining cash receipts.  The maximum annual assessment rate currently permitted by the covenants is $75.

Answer: County noise ordinance restricts trash service between the hours of 6 am to 9 pm.  Membership should contact County to report violations.  Membership is responsible for obtaining their own trash removal service.

Answer:  Board will investigate and take appropriate action.

            Answer:  Although designs of windows, garage doors, or a new roof are not really a concern to the Board, the Board wants to maintain architectural harmony in the community.  Board requests membership to notify the KPWCA architectural review committee (ARC) before making any modifications to exterior of their home.  ARC rarely denies requests submitted for review. 

Answer:  Board will approve budget at the monthly Directors meeting in June.  BCMG will subsequently mail out the assessments.  Payment will be due in October.

Answer:  Property is still going through probate.


Meeting adjourned:  Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.