
Kings Park West Community Association

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2022

Board members in attendance:  Larry Velte, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, and Diane Jeffers.

Burke Community Management Group representatives: Robbie Terrant and Joyce Mullins.

Meeting called to order:  7:32 p.m. 

Establish that quorum is present:  Ninety-seven members were present (4 board members, 4 KPWCA members, and 89 by proxy).  A quorum is 58 members.

Report on the State of the Community Association:

Treasurer’s Report/Proposed Budget for 2022-2023:  Treasurer provided an overview for the membership and explained the annual assessment will likely remain at $40/property for fiscal year 2023. 

Election of Board Members:  Jim Bovino and Maureen Pettis were re-elected to the board to serve another 3-year term.  Sharon Decker volunteered to serve as a Director for a year, completing Nancy Grant's unfinished term, which expires in 2023.

Board Meeting Schedule:  Membership was reminded the monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at Laurel Ridge Elementary School.


Open Discussion:

            Answer:  The architectural review committee (ARC) rarely denies a request for        modification to a home.  For example, design of windows and doors is not really a      concern to the ARC.  Board wants to maintain architectural harmony in the community but believes the attitude of a neighbor is more important than attitude of the   Board.

            Answer:  No.  Board has placed liens on a small number of properties whose           homeowners are delinquent in paying the annual assessment.  Board intends to take non-        judicial action this next fiscal year to address this concern.


Meeting adjourned:  Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.