Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2013


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Linda Fournier


Guest:  Ken Waldrup, President Kings Park West Civic Association


Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Approval of April Meeting Minutes: The July meeting minutes were reviewed online and approved online prior to the meeting.  The May Annual Meeting minutes were finally approved with one amendment.   Approved 5-0.


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of July 31, 2013 is $3034.35; the savings account is at $4912.45; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,285.59 each, and the reserve CD is $13,461.67 bringing the grand total to: $31,979.65.


During the month there was an insurance payment, management fees, and tree service costs, such as $400.00 to J & L, and $180.00 to Sagan, Mason and Mason.


Yearly assessment fees are coming in to the checking account so we will see big changes next month in the balance.


On Saturday August 11, Joe Meyer and Maureen Pettis’ names were put on the signature card at BBT, and Armand Fournier’s name taken off the card.


The Board discussed adding $2000.00 from checking to each CD at the time of renewal of the CDs, the first one coming due on September 9th.  A motion was made by Maureen, seconded by Joe, to transfer the money to the CDs this September. 


Bridge/Path issue: Follow up is continuing.  So far we have received only unofficial advice.


Trash issue update: The trash as been removed from the common land in back of a house on Commonwealth.


Another trash issue has arisen.  Homeowners on Commonwealth Ct are dumping yard debris behind their back fence, so all passing on Sideburn Road can see.  Joe said he would write them a letter reminding them to be good neighbors.   


New Business:

The business sign at 10335 Commonwealth is still up. The dumpster is gone, so it is assumed that the renovations have been completed.  If that is so, the business sign needs to be taken down. Joe said he would follow up on this,


Invasive milkweed by the new bridge near the Lake.  This is false milkweed, not monarch butterfly –related.  Efforts are being made by the KPW BAGG to remove this due to its invasive nature.


Ken Waldrup, President of the KPW Civic Association, came by to visit.  He wanted to see how the Community Association Board operated.   We face many common issues such as audits and finding volunteers to help.   He also mentioned many of committees in the Civic Association and how they needed help. The Neighborhood Watch Volunteers are also looking for new members.


The Board voted to give our Management company, RCS Management, his 90 day notice.  Linda B made the motion.  It passed unanimously.  A letter, which had been drawn prior to the meeting, was signed at the meeting by the President.


Linda F. made a motion to extend a contract to ACM to be or new management company, with Linda B. seconding.   It passed unanimously.


With no new business, the meeting concluded at 8:45 p.m.