Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2013


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Armand Fournier, Larry Velte


Meeting called to order at 7:30.


Approval of February Meeting Minutes: The February meeting minutes were reviewed. Maureen motioned to approve, Linda seconded.  Approved 7-0.


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of February 28, 2013 is $11,937.25; the savings account is at $7,411.57; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,285.59 each, and the reserve CD is $13,461.67 bringing the grand total to: $43,381.67


The Post Office Box was renewed, and the bill was paid.


Larry moved to transfer $1,000 for the Reserve Study to the Reserve CD. Linda seconded; approved 7-0.


Assessment: As of March 13, 18 homeowners have not paid their 2012 assessment.  Mark sent Rod the updated addresses for several of these homes, but it was unclear if RCS sent the letters. Armand will prepare letters with lien information to be sent to homeowners.


The Board discussed 2 late fee payments of less than $1.00. Larry moved to forgive the payments; Joe seconded; approved 7-0. 


Budget: The Board reviewed the draft budget and suggested changes.  The final will be reviewed at the next Board meeting in order to be included with the annual meeting mailing.


RCS:  The contract for RCS is coming up for renewal. The contract typically runs for one year, with the option of a second year. In order to keep the rate the same, RCS wants to set up another bank account that he has access to, where money can be directly sent. Mark will follow-up about our access to the account.  Joe motioned to approve, Mark seconded.  Approved 6-1. 


Advanced payments:  The January vote on adjusting advance payments was reviewed.  After speaking with RCS, it takes over $2.00 to move the advance payments to the proper account.  This doesn’t make sense for smaller advance payments.  Armand will ensure the larger payments are adjusted accordingly.  Armand motioned to rescind the January motion on write-offs; Linda seconded.  Approved 7-0.


Annual Meeting: Postcards are ready; Maureen will head the nominating committee.  Armand, Larry and Mark are up for election; Larry and Mark and are both willing to serve. One new member will need to be found for the board.  Armand will write this month’s Herald article on the annual meeting and election of Board members.


Heversham House:  All encroachment areas have been removed. There was e-mail communication clarifying questions. As such the language can be removed from the HOA packet.    


Website:  Joe continues to work on getting the site updated.

Tree Survey:  The tree survey is nearly finished, only a few trees were marked.  Armand will send out the request for quote and share results with the Board.



Hearing no new business, Linda motioned to adjourn; Joe seconded. Concluded at 8:17 p.m.