Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2011


In attendance:  Linda Bufano, Armand Fournier, Mark Heppner, Jim Messinger, Joe Meyer, Larry Velte.  Absent: Virginia Scattergood.  Jim Messinger entered after the July meeting minutes were approved.


Meeting called to order at 7:31 p.m.


Approval of July Meeting Minutes:  The July minutes were reviewed; Linda motioned to approve, Larry seconded; Approved 5-0.


Treasurer’s Report:  The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of July 31, 2011 is $4,754.69.  The Operating Savings Account is $16, 243.56; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,233.18 each, bringing the grand total to $43, 871.41.  In addition, the Treasurer and RCS found a way to avoid the BB&T $57 annual fee for check processing by cutting down each deposit batch to less than 60 checks each.


Assessment Response:  As of July 31 the last household on the payment plan is now paid in full.  Approximately 350 families have paid their 2011-12 fees.  We received a few complaints about the higher yearly fee.  Reminder letters will go out in early August to those who have yet to pay. 


The final payment was made by the last person on the payment plan, so all 11 liens have been lifted as of July 31, 2011.


RCS Contract Performance:  Armand will contact RCS to come to next month’s Board meeting which will take place September 21, instead of September 14 as it is Robinson’s Back to School night.


Vice-Treasurer Position:  In July, an electronic vote was taken to appoint Mark Heppner to the new position of Vice Treasurer.  The description of this position is as follows:  The Vice-Treasurer will assist the treasurer as needed and will fulfill the duties of the Treasurer when required.  The Vice-Treasurer shall have signing authority for all promissory notes and checks from such accounts as the Board may from time to time determine.  The Vice-Treasurer is directly responsible to the Treasurer.


BB&T Account Custodians:  Mark Heppner and Armand Fournier were added to the BB&T Account for check writing purposes.


We received a $25 fee for a Non-Sufficient Fund from one of the members formerly on the payment plan, and passed that on to the member to pay.  Due to extenuating circumstances, by a vote of 3-2 (1 abstention) this member will be refunded the bank fee we charged this household.


Hearing no new business Joe motioned to adjourn; Larry seconded.  Concluded at 7:50 pm.