Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2011


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Armand Fournier, Jim Messinger, Larry Velte, Virginia Scattergood, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano.


Meeting called to order at 7:35pm. 


Approval of May Meeting Minutes: The May minutes were reviewed; Armand motioned to approve, Larry seconded; approved 7-0.


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of May 31, 2011 is $1,127.36; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,233.18 each; 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,380.87 each; and the Reserve Study CD at $12,406.80 bringing the grand total to: $34,762.26.

After discussing the budget, Linda motioned to approve; Joe seconded. Approved 7-0.


Jim has updated the Association banking accounts to take advantage of interest, overdraft protection, and online access.  All of the adjustments have been approved by Goldklang and will appear in next month’s accounting report.


Audit has been reviewed by Goldklang, and they have received a draft copy of our response (along with RCS). The audit is not final until the responses have been reviewed and completed.


Assessment Response:  As of May 31, one household on the payment plan is paid in full; all liens (2) will be removed from this member's home as soon as possible (within 90 days of final payment). This household also has paid their 2012 assessment early. The other 3 households are still on schedule with the payment plan.


Tree Removal: J&L has started to take down trees on the common property. A member called the Association because they were concerned with the number of workers and wanted to be sure they were authorized for the tree cutting. They were indeed with J&L.


Commonwealth tree removal:  The homeowner is aware of the encroachment and uses a licensed person to mow the lawn which is permissible.  She wishes to continue maintaining this part of the property.  The tree that was at issue has been marked for removal, but Joe and Armand are going to check to see if it was identified in the original removal plans for J&L. No follow up letter is needed.   


Stream Bed:  Joe received a call from a member concerned about trees being cut down and activity (digging) around the stream bed. It is protected land- Joe will write about it in the next Herald article to bring awareness.  After looking, the activity is likely a child’s fort being built.


Election of Officers:  The following slate was proposed:  President- Armand Fournier; Vice-President- Joe Meyer; Treasurer- Jim Messinger; Secretary- Virginia Scattergood. 

Larry motioned to approve; Linda seconded.  Approved 7-0.  Mark Heppner volunteered to assist Jim with treasurer duties this year.  


Lights on Roberts: Jim reported that the lights will be installed within the next 2-3 months along Roberts near Collingham.  Jim found a firm that sells solar signs with LED lights for walkways, and is leading the charge to see if those can be purchased by residents and used along Roberts Road.


Hearing no new business, Virginia motioned to adjourn; Linda seconded. Concluded at 8:25 pm.