Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2010
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Linda Fournier, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Jim Messinger,
Meeting called to order at 7:34pm.
Approval of March Meeting Minutes: The March minutes were reviewed and approved. Linda F. motioned to approve them, Linda B. seconded. Approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $10,201.07; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,162.50 each; 3 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,308.04 each; and the reserve at $10,789.46 bringing the grand total to: $47,239.65.
Assessment Response: 21 homes have not paid the 2010 dues; out of this 10 have liens from prior years. Reminder mailings have gone out; there will be one final letter in June.
Old Business: Tree removal- 5 homeowners have contacted the Board for tree removal. All have been done within budget, only one is left to remove.
Roberts Road dam: Project ongoing. Should be completed about May 7.
Kings West Swim Club: Joe receives updates that he passes on to the Board. The Swim club is still working to raise money to turn the land into parkland so the county will accept it.
Entrance sign at Sideburn: Joe received an estimate for the repair, and is getting a quote on stair repair (common property) from the same contractor. Joe motioned to give him the authority to spend up to $1500 for the sign replacement and $300 for the stairs. This money would come from the reserve account. The Civic Association has been collecting money for the sign repair also that will be put towards it (dollar amount unknown). Jim seconded the motion for the spending authority. Approved 5-0.
New business: Common property donation: The County notified the Board that they would not take additional land.
Segan meeting: No one was able to attend due to conflicting schedules.
Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting will be held May 26. Jim reviewed the proposed budget for 2010 with the Board. After discussion Linda F. moved to lower the annual assessment to $25 per home. Virginia seconded. Approved 4-1.
Mary is handling the postcard mailing and is heading the nominating committee along with Linda B. Thus far Armand Fournier will run, and Larry Velte is re-running.
Communications from members: A shed request has been approved. Joe has received a complaint about a “trailer” parked near a neighboring property line- Mary met with the owners, who assured her it was a temporary situation until the RV home could be repaired.
Hearing no new business, Linda B. motioned to adjourn, Virginia seconded. Adjourned at 8:35pm.