Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2009


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Virginia Scattergood, Linda Fournier, Jim Messinger, Mary Hovland


Meeting called to order at 7:36pm. 


Approval of December Meeting Minutes: The December minutes were distributed and reviewed. Jim motioned to approve; Linda F. seconded. Approved 5-0.           


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $10,412.03; there are 2 CD’s in the amount of $5,000.00 each; 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,144.24 each; a reserve CD in the amount of $8,684.13, bringing the grand total to: $49,673.12.


Assessment Response: There are 6 liens still outstanding. Jim will notify Rod to include the full amount owed as a reminder on outgoing account notices.


Colonial Pipeline Report:  This report will be tabled until February’s meeting.



Annual Meeting: The 2009 annual membership meeting will be held on May 20, 2009. There will be a regular Board meeting the week before.


Nominating Committee: At last year’s annual meeting, Virginia Scattergood and Linda Bufano were elected to new terms.  Mary will lead the nominating committee, and Larry will be contacting Robinson to reserve the room.


Braddock Road/GMU: Joe attended an update meeting; there is nothing affecting KPWHOA to report.


Trash in woods: Previously a member mentioned that there was trash in the woods adjacent to the properties.  Joe confirmed the location of the trash and is sending a letter to the owner about the trash being left by the tenants. 


Parking on lawn: Joe will be sending a letter reminding homeowner about parking on the lawn, as well as one to another homeowner who has recently begun parking on their lawn. 


New fence: A new fence appeared on a home in the neighborhood. It meets the requirements of the county and the HOA, but the HOA had not been notified.  Joe will be sending a letter to the homeowner reminding them that when changes or additions are made to the exterior of the home, the HOA must be notified to ensure compliance with the HOA regulations.


Hearing no new business, Mary motioned to adjourn; Virginia seconded. Approved 5-0 at: 7:56pm.