Kings Park West Community Association
September 10, 2008 Meeting
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Mary Hovland, Linda Fournier, Jim Messinger, Linda Bufano
Member in attendance: Gene Summerlin
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Approval of August Meeting Minutes: The August minutes were reviewed and approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The Board was informed that the current checking account balance is $25,566.25; there are 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,144.24 each that have a locked in rate of 3%. The Reserve account has $1,003.25 in cash and $7,590.62 in a CD. This brings the grand total to: $54,737.08.
Assessment Response: 14 liens are pending. One lien was paid and will be released, and there are 56 households that have not yet paid their assessments.
Lien Postage Fees Policy: The Board discussed establishing policy to include postage fees in overdue assessments owned by members. Jim motioned to accept the policy; Mary seconded; and the Board approved the policy 5-0
Encroachment Policy: The Board discussed establishing policy to no longer tolerate encroachment on common property by homeowners, and at such time as the property is sold or transferred to another owner, the property legal boundaries will be restored. Jim motioned to accept the policy; Mary seconded; and the Board approved the policy 5-0.
Porta-John at Robinson: The Board will instruct Verizon remove the Porta-John placed on HOA common property at Robinson
Communication from members: College students apologized to neighbors for their loud, disruptive festivities, and volunteered to fix the vandalized notice board at the corner of Tapestry Drive and Braddock Road.
Member Mr. Gene Summerlin met with the Board to request a waiver for an existing shed and pergola that encroached on HOA common ground to remain. The Board discussed Mr. Summerlin’s request; the importance of keeping neighborhood beautiful; the potential liability to HOA members should the structures remain; that the structures sat on a Fairfax County sanitary sewer easement; and that Mr. Summerlin’s deed states that the property shall not be denuded, defaced, nor otherwise disturbed without the approval of the Fairfax County Department of Environmental Management. Joe motioned to deny the waiver request; Mary seconded; Linda Bufano recused herself from the vote; and the waiver was denied 4-0.
Hearing no new business, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.