Kings Park West Community Association


July 9, 2008 Meeting


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Virginia Scattergood, Mary Hovland, Linda Fournier, Larry Velte


Meeting called to order at 7:35pm. 


Approval of May Meeting Minutes: The June minutes were distributed and reviewed.           Virginia motioned to approve; Mary seconded. Approved 5-0.      


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $12,496.26; there are 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,144.24 each that have a locked in rate of 3%. The Reserve Study account has a $7,590.62 CD and cash of $1,003.01. This brings the grand total to: $41,666.88.


The rate for the DPOR fees went up this year ($105); the price paid is now based on the number of homes. Joe will take care of ensuring this year’s payment is sent, along with the annual payment to the State Corporation Commission ($50).


Assessment Response: 15 liens are pending.


Transfer of bad debt: Joe motioned to transfer the dues owed on a property on Nantucket Court to the category of bad debt. The property was resold as a result of a foreclosure, thereby wiping out the debt; Mary seconded.  Approved 5-0.


Communication from members: Joe received a communication regarding construction material piled on the side of a home, a result of some interior remodeling; within two days the material had been removed. Another communication regarding cul de sac parking was received. Joe sent the member information on county parking regulations.  Communication regarding a dead trees and tree debris was received.  The email was sent by a KPW Community Assn member to the Kingsberry HOA, because the trees were apparently on their common ground.  No more information was received about the status of the clean-up, although we received a bill for tree removal.  Larry was going to check with Kingsberry HOA to determine if it was their bill, and notify JL tree service that they had sent the bill to the wrong organization.


At the annual meeting it was suggested to make the liens cumulative. Currently liens are unenforceable after three years.  The Board will investigate this option with our attorney.


Hearing no new business, Joe motioned to adjourn; Larry seconded.

Approved  5-0 at: 8:00 pm.