Kings Park West Community Association


June 11, 2008 Meeting


            In attendance: Joe Meyer, Jim Messinger, Virginia Scattergood, Mary Hovland


Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm. 


Approval of May Meeting Minutes: The May minutes were distributed and reviewed. Joe motioned to approve; Mary seconded. Approved 4-0.         


Treasurer’s Report: Jim informed the board that the current balance is $13,514.26 in cash, with 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,144.24 each that have a locked in rate of 3%. The reserve CD has $7,590.62. The cash reserve is $1,283.00. This brings the grand total to: $42,684.67.


Assessment Response:  16 liens are pending.


Annual Meeting: Jim motioned to approve the budget as presented at the annual meeting.  Virginia seconded; approved 4-0, including the revised assessment.


Board Officers:  Hearing no objections or requests for change, the board officers will retain their current positions.


State Corporation Commission:  Joe has received the papers for the annual renewal, which will be sent this month.


Hearing no new business, Mary motioned to adjourn; Jim seconded. Approved 4-0 at 8:00pm.


Addendum:  After the meeting it was discovered that action needed to be taken on the RCS contract renewal for next year.  The Board reviewed the contract electronically, and by E-mail confirmation, voted to renew the contract for the coming year.