Kings Park West Community Association
December 12, 2007
Attending: Mary Hovland, Linda Fournier, Jim Messinger, Joe Meyer,
Meeting: Called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Approval of October Meeting Minutes: We reviewed the November 14, 2007, minutes. Mary motioned to approve; Joe seconded; approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim reported that the current balance is $23,823.32 in cash, and as of December 1, 2007, we expected to spend a total of $21,111.00, which was $2,712 under our projected expenditures. There are 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,000 each that have a 5% locked rate. There is an additional reserve CD for $5,335.59 for a total in CD’s of $ 25,335.59, which matures in April 2008. (CD earnings will add about $1,300 to our total balance.) The cash reserve is $1,001.58. The current grand total is: $50,160.49.
Assessment Response: Payment from 25 households is still outstanding. Jim moved we waive a $.15 late fee on one home; Mary seconded; it was approved.
Lien Status: Liens remain on 8 properties. We discussed that several liens will expire in the near future and what action should be taken. The matter will be discussed at a future meeting, once it has been more thoroughly researched.
Resale Packets: We billed $900 for resale packets and received $750 in payments. One has not yet been billed.
Tapestry resident parking issue: “No parking” signs were installed on Roberts at Tapestry to dissuade drivers from parking too close to the intersection.
Web site status: We are grateful for our volunteer webmaster; however, we decided to solicit quotes from designers that can design and update our website on a more frequent basis. Linda will be the point of contact on this endeavor.
Neighborhood Watch: To be discussed at our next meeting.
University Mall Renovation: The designers of the renovation held a meeting to present their plans to the public; however nothing was official at this time.
Trees: Joe will contact the tree removal service for the tree needing removal on Notting Hill.
Meeting: Hearing no new business, Joe motioned to adjourn, and Jim seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.