February 4, 2007 Special Minutes


Pursuant to Article IV Section 5 of the By-Laws of the Kings Park West Community Association, on January 23, 2007 Bernie Shinal moved via electronic mail sent to all directors “to enter in to contract with Robert Barry for the repair of the safety hazards on the sidewalk off of Bessmer Lane cul-de-sac.”  Fred Fredericks seconded this motion by electronic mail on January 23, 2007.  On February 4, 2007, Fred Fredericks as Secretary certified that votes in the affirmative had been received from all 7 directors and the motion has passed. 


The sidewalk referenced in the motion had been identified previously by the board as a safety hazard that needed addressing.  The funds had been allocated in previous budgets but not spent.  However, the board had had difficulty in finding a contractor who was willing to come out and bid the job due to its small size.  When a contractor offered a bid, the board felt important to act quickly rather than wait for the next regularly scheduled meeting.  The estimate for the entire job was $2000 with $750 due at contract signing.