Wednesday, November 9, 2005
The Board Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Larry Velte. A quorum was present with Joe Meyer and Tom Coldwell absent.
12 October Board Mtg. Minutes were reviewed and accepted with one addition. The addition was that Mr. Semler’s request to rebuild a deck and construct a fence at 10164 Tapestry was approved.
Aged Receivables Report was reviewed, to date there are 43 lates for actual assessments and 7 late listed for late fees. A motion was made to waive the late fees for those on the aged receivables list by Fred Fredericks and passed unanimously. Armand will so inform Rod Strawderman, president of RCS Management company.
It was noted that several new homeowners listed on the county website were not on our list of members, which indicates they are not aware of the inclusion of their properties in KPWCA. Armand will send Rod correspondence to remind him of the ones we found, so that RCS Management can send letters to new property owners and inform them of prorated assessments.
Reminder letter to Dogrul and Associates. Armand mentioned that said realtor is not requesting homeowner’s packets on her listings, with the effect that prospective buyers will not be informed of the existence of KPWCA. Dina Gorrell may contact their office. The board agreed that we might need to send a letter to the board of realtors, as provision of homeowner packets is a state requirement.
Liens placed to date. Nothing new to report on the liens that are in place at this time. Nine liens remain in effect.
Back Property Taxes. Larry reported that we have been granted relief on the back taxes owed through the intercession of Supervisor Sharon Bulova’s office. The amount of tax owed is $66.60.
Maintenance Committee. The work on removing the Allenby Ct. steps is complete and was done by volunteers and saved the HOA $500.00.
Audit and Taxes. To date we have not heard any recent news on the progress of the audit and income tax filing from Goldklang and Cavanaugh. Bernie will contact them again.
Storm Drain Catch Basins. There was discussion about the good job the County did on the storm basin off Roberts Rd. The board will check on the others in our HOA area and contact the County about cleaning and clearing them if needed.
Kings West Pool Members meeting will be held on 10 Nov 05. Their board wants to schedule a meeting with our board and discuss future actions.
Communications from Members – None.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25.