Monthly Meeting March 20042005

March 2, 2005


Attending: Tom Coldwell, Bernie Shinal, Armand Fournier, Joe Meyer, Fred Fredericks; absent Larry Velte and Dan Barney.

The March 2005 monthly meeting of the Board of Kings Park West Community Association was held on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at Robinson High School.

A quorum was present and Tom Coldwell called the Board meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.


The Board unanimously agreed to dispense with the reading of the February 2005 meeting minutes.

The Board discussed the status of the assessments. RCS will send out the final notice for non-payment on March 4, 2005. Larry Velte will sign the letter and RCS management will send by certified mail.

The Board discussed the performance of RCS management; Bernie Shinal will discuss performance issues with RCS.

The Board discussed the agreement with the Kings Park West Civic Association. The maintenance of the walls (sign) needs to be clarified. The Board decided to table execution of the agreement until Larry Velte contacts and discusses the open issue with the Bruce Wallachy.

Robinson High School could not make either cafeteria available on May 25, 2005 for the annual meeting of the members. The Board will check other available dates, preferably May 24, and reschedule the meeting date.

The Board discussed the Zoning Appeals Board Public Hearing for 4761 Farndon Ct. (multiple unit dwelling) that is scheduled for March 22. Larry Velte will appear on behalf of the Association.

The status of the reserve study was discussed, including a review of the capital improvements/assets owned by the Community Association. The improvements include sidewalks and stairs at Bessmer Lane, Commonwealth Blvd, Allenby Rd., Heversham Ct., Catterick Ct., and Tapestry Ct. Fairfax County DPWES acknowledged that the County built and maintains the asphalt path at Gainsborough Drive, this path has been removed from the reserve study. Additionally, Fairfax County Public Schools acknowledged that they will share in the cost to maintain the asphalt sidewalks that exit the back of Robinson MHS towards Commonwealth Blvd. The reserve study does not include maintenance of the entrance signs at Twinbrook and Sideburn. Three options for replacement of the capital assets were discussed.

Fred Fredericks made a motion to accept the reserve study based on the replacement of structures with like structures, i.e. concrete with concrete. Bernie Shinal seconded the motion and the Board passed it.

Fred Fredericks moved that: "[a]t the next annual membership meeting (currently scheduled for May of 2005), during or near the presentation of the reserve study and it implications, the Board shall present to the membership in attendance the option of constituting a committee to coordinate association members to volunteer to perform maintenance or common land improvements in order to minimize costs.  The board shall ask the membership in attendance to vote as to whether they wish the board to pursue this option, indicating to the membership that voting yes should imply at least some willingness to volunteer for projects in the future.  Should the general membership vote in
favor of constituting this committee, or should the board feel that a sufficient number of members are likely to volunteer for this type of work, the board will place a sign-up sheet for the committee at the meeting and ask for those who voted in favor to volunteer by signing up on the sheet or by contacting the board directly via e-mail or phone.  If, by the board of directors meeting following the annual membership meeting, there are at least three non-board member volunteers for the committee, at least one of whom is willing to serve as committee chair, then the board of directors shall formally appoint the committee as permitted under Article IX of the Kings Park West Community Association By-Laws, and the president of the board shall appoint a non-board member (of his/her choosing) of this committee as chair as directed under Article VIII Section 8 of the By-Laws. 

Should the maintenance/improvement committee prove successful in reducing the budgeted costs, the Board will adjust next year's budget accordingly. However, should the general membership fail to show sufficient support during the vote, or should fewer than three volunteers indicate willingness to participate by signing up or should there be no non-board member who wishes to serve as chair of this committee, then the board shall continue to include the cost and use of outside maintenance services in the annual budgets." Armand Fournier seconded the motion and the Board passed the motion.

The Board discussed the proposed 2006 budget.

The Board discussed the need to prepare for the annual meeting. Preparations, including the notification letter, voting procedures, etc., will be discussed at the next Board meeting.

Armand Fournier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Fred Fredericks and approved.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

The next KPWCA Board of Directors meeting is on April 6, 2005 at 7:30 P.M. in the Gold Cafeteria (or Recital Hall) at Robinson High School.

Armand Fournier
