May 8, 2004
Attending: Larry Velte, Tom Coldwell, Bernie Shinal, Armand Fournier, Joe Meyer, Dan Barney
Absent: John Ostrom
After notifying the Membership, a special meeting of the Board of Kings Park West Community Association was held on Saturday, May 8, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. at Tom Coldwell’s house.
A quorum was present and Armand Fournier served as chair and called the meeting to order.
Armand Fournier made a motion to approve and mail letters to the Membership calling for a special meeting of the Membership on June 9, 2004, in order to vote on the maximum assessment and conduct other business as noted. The motion was seconded by Larry Velte and approved.
After a thorough review of the proposed budget, Tom Coldwell made a motion requesting the Membership increase the maximum assessment to $70.00. The motion was seconded by Joe Meyer and approved. During the June 9, 2004 special meeting, The Membership will consider the maximum assessment proposed.
Dan Barney made a motion for the Board Member office terms to follow the guidelines of the By-Laws and the length of term to be based on the number of votes received by each Board Member. The most votes would receive the three-year term, the next highest two years and the least votes would serve one year. The motion was for Velte, Coldwell and Shinal to serve three years, Fournier and Meyer two years, and Barney and Ostrom one year. The motion was seconded by Tom Coldwell, and approved.
A motion was made and unanimously agreed to name Larry Velte as President, Tom Coldwell as Vice President, Bernie Shinal as Treasurer and Armand Fournier as Secretary.
Armand Fournier made a motion to use Bob Segan, Esquire as the registered agent for the purpose of incorporation. The motion was seconded by Tom Coldwell and approved.
The Board formed a Finance Committee comprised of Bernie Shinal, Joe Meyer and Armand Fournier. The President appointed Bernie Shinal as Chairman of the Finance Committee.
The Board formed a Membership Committee. The President named Tom Coldwell as Chairman of the Membership Committee. The Committee will be open for additional members.
The Board formed a Compliance Committee comprised of Larry Velte and Armand Fournier, with Larry Velte acting as Chairman of the Compliance Committee.
The Board discussed the formation of a Nominating Committee as required by the By-Laws, but the decision to name members to the Committee was tabled until the request for volunteers could be placed on the website.
The Board discussed the formation of an Architectural Committee as required by the DCCRs, but the decision to name members to the Committee was tabled until the request for volunteers could be placed on the website.
The Board discussed the formation of a Liaison Committee to coordinate with the Kings Park West Civic Association, as well as other neighboring homeowner associations. The decision to name members to the Committee was tabled.
Tom Coldwell made a motion to contact Nationwide Insurance for purchasing liability insurance. The motion was seconded by Larry Velte and approved. A separate vote will be required to purchase the insurance.
A motion was made and unanimously agreed to hold two special meetings before the June 9, 2004 Membership meeting. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday May 26, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. with the location to be announced later. The second meeting will be held on June 2, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. with the location to be announced later.
Armand Fournier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Dan Barney and approved.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Prepared by:
Armand Fournier